Road Bike

The program of the week
Your arrival / reception on Saturday evening
Autour d’une boisson et de tapas, apéro-briefing de bienvenue sur la terrasse du logement. Sous réserve de disponibilités ; possible report en semaine
Exit 1 to discover the surroundings, 50 to 70km to acclimatize to the weather and the sometimes brutal slopes... while enjoying the panoramas combining sea and mountains. 700 to 1200m drop
Exit 2, longer, 70 to 100km a little further inland. 1300 to 2000m drop
Exit 3, long, 100 to 130km. more than 2000m of vertical drop
Day off… rest; a free exit is still possible
Sortie 4, longue, 100 à 130km. 1500 à + de 2000m de dénivelé
Sortie 5, tranquille, 60 à 90km pour profiter une dernière fois de la Costa Tropical à vélo. 1000 à 1500m de dénivelé
Departure from accommodation – Airport transfer
Ceci est un emploi du temps type ; il pourra être ajusté en fonction d’une météo imprévue, des aléas médicaux, du niveau ou des souhaits des participants. Jours d’arrivée et nombre de jours sont ajustables sur-mesure.
The courses are accessible to all levels provided you are a regular practitioner.
Via the Whatsapp discussion group you will have the program and important information every day. This group will also allow everyone's photos and videos to be shared.

Environment and Weather
The courses will survey both the seaside and the surrounding mountains. From the foothills of the Sierra Nevada through the Contraviesa and the various local Sierras, you will not miss a drop to face.
The pass closest to Almuñécar, the longest too, is the Puerto de la Cabra (borrowed regularly during the Tour of Spain) which will take you over 25km at 5.5% on average including some flat areas and more full-bodied. Come and challenge yourself with friends on this pass…and the others too.
In Spain, the slopes are sometimes brutal (greater than 15%) over a few tens or hundreds of meters; it may happen in some cases that some people dismount; it doesn't matter, each participant will ride at the pace they want.
That said, it's a real pleasure to drive on roads where car traffic is mostly light or even non-existent in places. The vast majority of motorists are very respectful of cyclists and wait to overtake; it is often confusing. Spanish road safety does a remarkable job of raising awareness about respecting and sharing the road between users. Let's participate in this good cohabitation.
The weather is particularly pleasant all year round. Minimum temperatures in winter are around 8-10°C in the morning and 15°C in the afternoon. In spring, they correspond to summer temperatures in France: 20°C in the morning and 28°C in the afternoon. In summer, it is hot in the morning, around 27°C, but the particularity of the Costa Tropical is its low thermal amplitude; thus the thermometer rarely rises above 35°C with constantly circulating air bringing real well-being.
The real difference in climate is mainly due to a high level of air humidity in summer, which means that the feeling of heat is more pronounced than the temperature displayed on the thermometer. Hence the interest of the 1era sortie du dimanche pour bien s’acclimater.
The roads are mostly in good to very good condition and it may occasionally happen to take passages in less good condition or even gravel.
Punctures are rare but tires that are too light are to be avoided despite everything.
A typical mountain bike will be perfectly at ease here, carbon wheels too. A section of 25mm will bring you sufficient comfort. 28 to 30mm if you want even more comfort and grip.
On the transmission side, opt for a compact (50/34) or mid-compact (52/36) crankset and don't hesitate to fit a 30 to 32-tooth cassette.
2 bottle cages are the minimum to take with you something to hydrate yourself with serenity.

How to dress ?
In the summer, lightweight/breathable cycling shorts and jerseys will be the norm. Gloves or mittens will be a real plus to manage ambient humidity and sweating on the handlebar
In spring and autumn, essentially the same equipment with the possibility of an underlayer, a long-sleeved jersey, a sleeveless windbreaker or a buff according to your tastes and habits
In winter, a priori no need for overshoes. A good pair of warm shorts will suffice in most cases. An underlayer and a long-sleeved jersey will suffice. Windbreaker, buff and gloves will be a + if desired. Some days, it will even be possible to ride in a short-sleeved jersey.
In any case, do not hesitate to ask us for advice the week before your arrival to best adjust your set of outfits.
A washing machine will be available with the necessary for washing technical clothing.
Support, advice and safety/repair kit
Matthieu will accompany you on outings; he will be your guide on courses specially adapted to the places, the climate, the level and the wishes of the participants. He will advise you on the difficulties of the day, how to approach them if you are not familiar with the mountains. He will be able to indicate to the best the end of a pass so that they can climb it at the pace they wish. Conversely, it will accompany those most in difficulty so that everyone can face the daily obstacles without stress or loneliness.
Matthieu will show you the free (drinking fountains) and paid (bars, supermarkets) supply points.
You will never be lost with him. He speaks French, English and Spanish and knows the local habits and customs.
When you arrive, you will be given a safety/repair kit: it consists of a flashing rear light, a multi-tool, an inner tube and a mini-pump. The idea is really that you only travel with what is strictly necessary and that we lend you this kind of equipment. During the outings, there is no need for each participant to bring everything in duplicate. We will decide together who takes a pump and a backup multi-tool. Matthieu will always have a kit on him, anyway. Only the rear light will be mandatory on each bike to maximize safety.
The complete kit will be returned at the end of the stay.

Your free Goodies kit
On your arrival you will find on your bed a kit of goodies that we want to be "responsible".
A Vuelta a Costa Tropical jersey, Ulevel brand (equipped with the Caja Rural pro team). Jersey made in Spain (in Albacete, 300km from Almuñécar) of high quality, very technical with a pro-fit cut
2 Tacx Shiva O2 bottles – Vuelta a Costa Tropical, 550ml, 100% biobased, 100% biodegradable, 0% petroleum, made in Europe
5 Powerbar True Organic energy bars. Organic, vegan, climate-neutral and with plastic-free packaging, compostable
1 cleaning-karcher token (carwash in the city center) to remove dust from your bike, if necessary, before your return
These goodies will save you from bringing a jersey, bars and water bottles in your luggage. However, if you have specific cans (insulated in particular, in summer, do not hesitate to bring them with you)

Technical assistance, First aid
Matthieu will provide technical assistance during the outings (within the limits of his skills and technical possibilities at the time T).
Apart from outings, we can help you repair the "bobos_" of your bike and fine-tune the settings if necessary. If necessary, we will direct you to the nearest bicycle repairer; the town of Almuñécar has no shortage of them. In any case, we will look for the most suitable solution so that you have the best possible cycling holiday.
Matthieu will also provide first aid assistance during outings. Treat the bobology, assess the severity and/or suggest medical assistance / evacuation / repatriation.

carlos rodriguez

Julian Alaphilippe

David de la Cruz

Juan Pedro Lopez
If you take a walk on Strava you will see many well-known names in the KOMs of the surrounding passes. It's quite normal, many World Tour teams have training camps in Sierra Nevada and professional cyclists are regulars on these roads in the province of Granada. Romain Bardet, Julian Alaphilippe, David de la Cruz, Juan Pedro Lopez… the AG2R, Quick-Step, Arkéa, Trek teams, etc… All have driven or drive regularly on these roads.
In recent years, Almuñécar has even become the headquarters of some teams for their training camp at the start of the season. Thus, this year, the Burgos-BH team has once again put down its suitcases in Almuñécar for its training camp at the start of the season.
Among the women, the Bizkaia-Durango team did the same.
But the best-known cyclist in Almuñécar is undoubtedly the native of the city, Carlos Rodriguez Cano. The young prodigy of the Ineos team, who made a thunderous start to the 2022 season, is a pure local product. Trained at the BMX club of Almuñécar, he wears the colors of the Costa Tropical and Andalusia at the highest cycling level.
So, are you coming?
Responsibility of participants
Participation in the cycling holiday implies full adherence to the following regulations:
Le stagiaire est seul responsable de son vélo en tant que véhicule, de son comportement sur les routes et voies empruntées. Il s’engage à respecter rigoureusement le code de la route et les lois espagnoles en vigueur.
Le stagiaire est seul responsable des circuits qu’il emprunte et assure les emprunter de son plein gré ; il déclare être en bonne santé et être seul juge de ses aptitudes et capacités physiques.
Le stagiaire est seul responsable de son vélo, son parfait état de fonctionnement pour un usage sur routes, sa maintenance et sa protection (y compris contre le vol), à partir de son arrivée dans le logement Vuelta a Costa Tropical et ce jusqu’à son départ.
Le casque rigide à coque, homologué, est obligatoire pendant les sorties.
Le stagiaire est seul responsable de son alimentation et ses boissons pour et pendant toute la durée des sorties cyclistes.
Le stagiaire reconnait et comprend que participer au séjour cycliste est une activité qui peut être dangereuse. Il assume entièrement le risque d’être blessé et/ou de blesser une tierce personne au cours des sorties cyclistes. Il assume entièrement tous les risques associés et renonce à toute revendication à l’encontre de Vuelta a Costa Tropical, ses exploitants, et successeurs et/ou ayants droit en cas de dommage corporel, perte ou dommage matériel, y compris à toutes actions en négligence, responsabilité civil et/ou responsabilité stricte.
Par ailleurs, il s’engage à dédommager les exploitants, propriétaires de Vuelta a Costa Tropical et à les dégager de toute responsabilité en cas de toutes revendications, y compris de tous préjudices ou demandes de tiers résultant de son séjour.
Il est de la responsabilité du stagiaire de souscrire le ou les assurances adéquates (voyage, santé, pratique cycliste…) pour son séjour à Vuelta a Costa Tropical.
Le stagiaire s’engage à être en conformité avec toutes les lois sanitaires en vigueur en Espagne, durant toute la durée du séjour.
Chaque participant autorise Vuelta a Costa Tropical, ainsi que les ayants droits tels que les partenaires et médias à utiliser les photos et vidéos, prises à l’occasion de sa participation au séjour et aux sorties.
Vuelta a Costa Tropical se réserve le droit d’exclure ou d’interdire d’accès au logement et sorties tout participant/stagiaire qui contreviendrait au présent règlement ou qui aurait un comportement ou des actes inappropriés. Cette exclusion n’ouvrira droit à aucun remboursement, partiel ou total.
Vuelta a Costa Tropical se réserve le droit d’annuler tout séjour, à tout moment, pour n’importe quelle raison, jusqu’à 30 jours avant le début du dit séjour. Cette annulation donnera droit à un remboursement intégral du participant/stagiaire.
Vuelta a Costa Tropical ne saurait être tenu pour responsable pour tout évènement indépendant de sa volonté comme, par exemple, les accidents (sorties vélo, transferts aéroport, excursions), les évènements météorologiques, les maladies, blessures, décès des personnes, les pertes, dégradations ou vols de biens, les retards ou annulations de vols, trains ou autres transports, les différends avec les participants/stagiaires, autres usagers de la route, voisinage du logement.